In this article, we’ll do a bit of philosophy. Sometimes I feel like it’s important to talk about life in a more general sense as a whole experience.
This article is more like an open dialog to try to have a better understanding of what it means to be human and how to improve our lives mentally and physically.
1. Naivety
Everyone is born naive; that’s what opens us up to all the experiences of life without considering the dangers. It’s a beautiful time in our lives where we explore with carefree minds.

However, it’s crucial to remember that our parents are the ones working hard to create this cocoon of safety for us.

Like the Striders are protecting the borders maintaining the peaceful life of the Hobbits in the Lord of the Rings.
2. Cynicism and nihilism

As we venture into the real world, we come to understand some of the harsh realities of the human experience – that good can’t exist without evil. During this time, we strive to make sense of things, aiming to be as rational as possible.

Simultaneously, some individuals engage in competition, dialing down on their morals. This can lead us to become cynical and nihilistic, stripping all taste and meaning from our lives.
Cynicism and nihilism are steps that can’t be avoided, since to deal with the world, we really need to take things at face value sometimes. This step can be metaphorically represented as a boy becoming a man who understands his nature and is capable of being sharp and dangerous when needed to control his aggressiveness.
From this also come resilience, stoicism, and a will to get ahead, which are indispensable to succeeding financially, for example.
If cynicism is an upgrade over naivety, faith may be the braver version of naivety and be more precise and tailored for us.
3. Faith and belief

By the time we marry and start a family, we hopefully regain our faith and beliefs. We become rational and spiritual enough to protect our loved ones and instill in them the importance of morality, not just to fit into society but to find peace within themselves as adults.
Not a perfect circle
What’s interesting is that none of us is immune to tragedy or falling back into nihilism. Some people remain indefinitely stuck in the step of cynicism or nihilism, and some entire countries and cultures may never escape it.
Perhaps this is because the level of stoicism increases higher up in the hierarchy, with top leaders dictating the direction of the country. This emphasizes the importance of having leaders we admire rather than envy.
The responsibility of each generations

Perhaps this is what “saving your father from the belly of the whale” means in Pinocchio. Maybe having children is the gift we give our parents to conclude the experience on a positive and hopeful note that life is indeed magic and beautiful.
The goal of moral movies

Now I understand why movies with good morals and role models are so important. They help people stay on the right path – not only as responsible citizens in society but also so a human can find peace within himself just like with religion. It’s not just about avoiding trouble but also about steering clear of nihilism and persever the meaning and the magic in our lives.
The mere fact that you consider a children more important than you proves that you are well oriented and that morality and serving others as a responsibility is actually what create meaning a taste to ones life.
Sometimes life has to be experience and felt not rationalized or decrypted. If we have intuition it means we have to use it. Ultimately you are the one who will decide the meaningfulness of your life.

The important thing isn’t can you read music, it’s can you hear it. Can you hear the music, Robert?
Niels Bohr to Robert Oppenheimer
Perhaps the important thing isn’t can you understand morality, it’s can you feel it ? Can you let it guide yourself to your adventure and fate ?
The difference between hero and vilain

Also, don’t forget that all individuals who have left a positive mark in this world are not only competent but also selfless and moral.
On the contrary, those who have left a negative mark in history are often highly competent but morally deficient.

Nobody wishes to have someone competent and dishonest in their circle, as such an individual will inevitably take advantage of you or the group for his own interest.
The response to challenges shapes heroes and villains alike. Will they uphold generosity and grace in the face of adversity, or will they succumb to nihilism or, worse, chaos?
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