If overall I am at peace when I live in Asia, there are still things I miss and love about France. I don’t think this is that uncommon for expats.
In this article, I’ll try to list the small details that make me enjoy this beautiful country, which is France.
1. Culture and art

I was living in California as a young adult. I think the number one thing I was missing was the culture.
By culture, I mean the level of culture that France has. Going to another country almost feels like going to the country side by comparison.
Art is something deeply imbedded in the culture of this country, and this is the reason why when someone visits France, they are often in awe of the level of care.
2. Deep conversations

I was living in Asia as an older adult, and I think the thing that I’ve missed the most is having deep conversations as a tool to explore the truth.
I feel like in Europe, especially in France, we tend to love to discuss deep matters over dinner or over some drinks.
This is for us a way to learn how to debate but also how to explore the truth or a subject collectively.
3. Food

Even though I feel like Asian food is the best when it comes to taste and health, I still feel like, when it comes to taste, French food is up there.
Whenever I am abroad, I usually spend the extra bucks to get some imported products from France once in a while.
I am still amazed that you can find some great wine, cheese, and other pastries for a quarter of the cost you would spend abroad.
4. Partying

I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie Drunk by Thomas Vinterberg, starring Mads Mikkelsen, but this movie is, for me, the perfect representation of a group of people bonding and having fun, embracing the moment.
Sure, alcohol is overall detrimental to many families, but when under control, it can also be a great disinhibitor for people to be themselves and tolerate others.
I’ve definitely had my best partying moments with my friends from the west and from France.
5. The best place to work in fashion and fine art
Not that work is that different abroad, but I feel like France is one of the most refined countries when it comes to art. Luxury and fashion is especially well represented in the world, notably with all the famous LVMH brands.
France doesn’t aim to be mainstream but rather focuses on the elites. If you travel to Paris, you’ll find that most people have advanced knowledge and artistic taste, to the point that is almost unfair.
6. Beautiful cities

France is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. I think it must be a must-visit country.
The thing that is great about France is that you can pretty much visit the whole country in a week. Okay, perhaps not the whole country, but the most famous spots.
France has everything from Normandie beaches to the clear water of the rocky inlets of Marseille, the Alpes mountains, and the Pilat dunes, castles not to mention all the different regions and cities with unique architecture and food.
7. Cosmopolite population
Today, in France, especially in big cities, you’ll find a mixture of many different cultures. Mixing people from different origins in the same place can really create a unique experience.
I love that I can find any type of food in Paris. This brings a variety that is hard to beat compared to some other countries.
The same goes for activities; you can do pretty much whatever you want in France; name it; I am pretty sure you’ll find it.
8. The health care
This one should probably be higher on the list. I still can’t believe that in some countries, people have to pay the full price for a treatment.
In France, having this security means that even people without much means have the right to be saved. That’s why I feel like France is quite advanced when it comes to human rights.
Sometimes filling the basic needs of the population makes them more likely to be productive for the country.
9. The sense of humor

I don’t know exactly why, but I’ve never laughed the same way watching comedy from France and other countries.
French comedy can be so funny that you basically can’t stop laughing. Sometimes cursing in French can seem rude, but if you are open to derision, it can also be a great way to poke your friend around.
It’s very refreshing and liberating to be able to express the most touchy subject through humor.
10. Honesty
This one can be considered a good or a bad point, according to your culture. French people tend to be very honest. Compared to, let’s say, Americans, who try to be polite but sometimes seem less genuine,
In France, people will tell you the truth, and sometimes the truth is what you need to move forward in your life.
Honesty is also better than judging people quickly. They’ll show their true faces, whereas some other cultures tend to save faces at any cost.
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